Friday, December 31, 2010

Congrats to the 2011 Jr. High Officers!

Here are the 2011 Jr. High Officers! Congratulations and Praise the Lord!

Please feel free to let them know your thoughts and concerns as we will all serve together with you all to grow deeper in the Lord Jesus Christ!

President: Katie Cooke
Vice- President: Josh Kim
Secretary:Grace Tak
Treasurer:Michael Kim

Class Representative:Tiffany Mun
Class Representative: Sarah Song
Class Representative: Celine Kim

1st Meeting: Sunday Jan 2, 2011 @ 10:30 am @ the youth pastors office! at 10:30

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Announcements 12/26

1. Welcome to Palisades Church’s Lord’s Day Worship Service! If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!
2. TODAY – We have our gift exchange so stay in the worship room.
3. Philadelphia Christmas Gifts Donation: Please turn in your pledged donations for the Christmas gifts to Pastor Paul or Pastor Rana.
4. Friday, December 31st. New Year’s Eve Service at 11:30 PM.
5. Sr. High Freshmen/Soph Student Leaders Meeting in P. Rana’s office right after our gift exchange.
6. Happy Birthday!! Cindy Yoon Teacher (12/27); Daniel Seo (12/31)
7. Separate Jr. and Sr. High Worship starting January 2.
Save the Date – Winter Retreat is FEBRUARY 19-21, 2011 (not December)
**Summer Missions also TBA for July 2011

Next Week’s Servants
Separate Worship – Jr/Sr High
Sr. High: Freshmen/Sophomore Leadership